Euroguarco, Gesta and Rimorchiatori Spezzini together to clean a beach

LA SPEZIA – Euroguarco, Gesta and Rimorchiatori Riuniti Spezzini are united for a special initiative.

A day dedicated to the cleaning of a beach!
With this initiative – read in the invitation to participate – we want to contribute to Goal 14: Life Under Water of the UN 2030 Agenda and to support our territory and our community.

The appointment is for next Saturday, March 29 from 9 to 13.
The location has not yet been revealed; in fact, the location will be announced on 7 March.

But to participate here is the reference: you can write to or call 0187 564442 .

The call of the three organizers is: “Let’s team up for our sea. A small gesture can make a difference!”

In the photo the group of volunteers engaged in cleaning the beach of Marinella behind the castle of San Terenzo last 2024.

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